My experience

Writing this blog has given me advantage on how I should write my analysis. I learned that by cutting it down to smaller parts and take page for page, makes is easier to write and interpret the book. Instead of having to start all over, I can just go back to my blog and see…

Theme: The conflict between rich and poor

Wealth is heavily placed in the hands of the rich, especially those people living in the Capitol and some of the districts. The result is a huge difference between the lives of the rich and the lives of the poor. The difference reveals itself in many ways throughout the book, but the most notable is food. In the poor districts, many of…

Point of view

My book: The hunger games, is written in first-person all trough the book. For example: I woke up in my bed and quickly got my clothes on.                                          I like hunting and I’m pretty good at…

Book analysis

I choose to write a book analysis because I want to be able to get a good grade and show that I have mutch more to give and show in the subject. I also like a bit of a challenge when writing. I like to really get my gears grinding. I look forward to begin…

The hunger games: enviroment

Since there are more than just one place the story happens, I will talk a little bit about the different places. Panem Panem is the name of the country where Katniss lives, a country that after a series of disasters, rose from the burned ashes of North America.We learn the history of Panem, and the…

The hunger games: chapter 1

from the very beginning we are introduced to Katniss Everdeen. Katniss wakes up in a bed, and we learn quickly that today is the day of the reaping. We wuickly get introduced with her sister Primrose (or Prim) and her mother. We learn that Katniss lives in a place called District 12, nicknamed the Seam, that…

My book: The hunger games

The hunger games For the future i have chosen to read The hunger games by Suzanne Collins. I chose this book because i really like the plot of the series and the books themself. I have seen all the movies so far and are excited to read the books themself. I think the book will…